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strip lighting中文是什么意思

用"strip lighting"造句"strip lighting"怎么读"strip lighting" in a sentence"strip lighting"的同义词


  • 管状白炽灯照明


  • Under a 24 - hour strip light , i hadn ' t slept more than a few minutes at a time
  • General lighting such as a ceiling center light , strip light or bright wall lamps are used for everyday purposes
  • One to three - pole socket terminal strips lighting fixture terminals 380 v a . c . and 440 v d . c . for conductors up to 2 , 5 mm
    交流380v直流440v . 2 . 5mm2平方以下导线的一极至三极插
  • When the electric interlocking apparatus at station do not work , we can exactly and promptly obtain , the states of switch in route , display in notebook computer by white strip light plainly , and thus increase the safety coefficient enormously and train working efficiency
  • Various steps were taken to reduce the electricity consumption of revenue tower . this was achieved by , for example , replacing the old type fluorescent strip lights with electronic ballast ones , reducing the illumination level to the minimum and by conducting routine checks to switch off lights and communal facilities when they were not in use
用"strip lighting"造句  


  • light consisting of long tubes (instead of bulbs) that provide the illumination

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